CLI QuickVC Setup Script 5-3
The IP configuration for VC “name” is now complete.
IP Configuration
(Network Service
Network Address Translation (NAT) allows a single WAN-side IP address to be
‘shared’ by multiple LAN-side devices.
If you choose to run NAT the WAN interface must be Numbered. (i.e., there must
be a local WAN-side IP address specified that must be on a different IP network
than the LAN-side IP address). See Appendix B of the OfficeConnect Remote 812
ADSL Router User’s Guide for a discussion of Numbered and Unnumbered
Local and remote IP adresses can be configured in two different ways:
Specified: the IP adress is always a specific address.
Learned: the IP address is learned when the PPP connection is established.
One active VC profile can have its remote router installed as the default router in
the OfficeConnect Remote 812’s IP route table.
You can use Routing Information Protocol (RIP) to exchange routing information
with other routers on the network.
The IP mask can be specified either as a class (“A”, “B”, or “C”), the number of
one bits in the mask, or as an address in the format 255.x.x.x.
The IP configuration for VC “name” is now complete.
Enter the IP mask for the router across the WAN: (specified
Is the local IP address (S)pecified or (L)earned ? [L]
Enter the local ip address for the WAN connection: (specified
[ ]
Do you want to use “name”’s remote router as the default
gateway ?
Do you want to run RIP ? [no]
Enter the version of RIP to run: (if applicable) [v2]
Question Default Your System
Is IP traffic going to be routed over VC “name” ? [yes]
Do you want to enable IP Network Address Translation (NAT) ? [yes]
Enter the IP address of the router across the WAN: [ ]
Enter the IP mask for the router across the WAN: [C]
Is the WAN interface (U)nnumbered or (N)umbered ? [N]
Enter the local ip address for the WAN connection: (numbered
[ ]
Do you want to use “name”’s remote router as the default
gateway ?
Do you want to run RIP ? [no]
Enter the version of RIP to run: [v2]