IP Address Pool, Start and End address
IP Subnet address mask
Lease period
WINS Server addresses
DNS Server addresses
The Hostname is the base name assigned to the workstation . A numeric suffix is
appended to the base name and incremented after each assignment. For
example, if the Hostname unit is configured, the first workstation will be assigned
the Hostname unit01, the second workstation will be assigned unit02 and so
Use the following commands to configure the DHCP Mode, base Hostname
and the network’s Domain Name:
set dhcp mode server
set dhcp server hostname <host name>
set dhcp server domain <domain name>
The DHCP address pool is configured by specifying the starting and ending
addresses of the pool. The range of the pool must be 40 addresses or less and
must be entered on the same command line.
The following set of commands configure the address pool and the network
subnet IP address mask:
set dhcp server start_address <ip address> end_address <ip address>
set dhcp server mask <ip address>
The final set of DHCP Server commands configure the Lease period and IP
addresses of the Default gateway, WINS Servers, and DNS Servers. There can be
up to two WINS and DNS Servers specified. If this functionality is to be disabled,
an IP address of is entered. If the OfficeConnect Remote 812 is
functioning as the DNS Proxy, the OfficeConnect Remote 812’s LAN IP address
should be configured as the first (primary) DNS address.
set dhcp server lease <seconds>
set dhcp server router <ip address>
set dhcp server wins1 <ip address> wins2 <ip address>
set dhcp server dns1 <ip address> dns2 <ip address>
Monitoring the DHCP
There are monitoring commands which display the DHCP protocol counters and
current lease information. The DHCP protocol counters indicate the requests
received, responses transmitted, and error indicators. The lease information
indicates which IP addresses have been assigned, the corresponding workstation
MAC addresses, and remaining time before the lease expires.