CLI Commands B-9
Adds to the list of community name/IP address pairs that are allowed to receive
SNMP traps. You can see the list of authorized users with the list snmp
communities command.
add syslog
loglevel [loglevel]
Adds an IP host to the list of IP hosts that will receive syslog entries. You can see
the current log levels for the system using list facilities, and modify the current log
level for each facility using set facility loglevel.
add tftp client
Adds the tftp client to the authorization table for tftp access.
add user [name]
password [password]
{enabled [yes]}
Adds a Telnet user to the local user table. The list users command displays these
parameters for all users.
add vc [name] Creates a virtual channel (VC) profile. Each profile represents a connection to a
remote site. The list vc command displays a list of all configured VCs and their
status. Use the set vc command to modify VC parameters. When a VC profile is
created, all of the different configurable parameters associated with the profile
assume default values. The default values are specified in the VC profile named
'default'. You can display the current default values with the command show vc
Parameters Description
<name> Group name defining who can receive SNMP traps.
address IP address of the SNMP manager, in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
Parameters Description
<ip_name_or_address> Host name or IP address of the Unix host that will receive syslog
loglevel There are five levels of logging:
CRITICAL - a serious system error, which may effect system integrity
UNUSUAL - an abnormal event, which the system should be able to
recover from
COMMON - a regularly occurring event that is not frequent
VERBOSE - a regular periodic event, e.g. a routing update message
DEBUG - for debugging only
Parameters Description
<ip_ name_or_addr> Host name or IP address of a host to be added. An address of
allows all clients TFTP access.
Parameters Description
Name Name of the user to be added, up to 32 ASCII characters.
Password User’s password, up to 15 ASCII characters.
Enabled This indicates whether the user is enabled. Enter YES or NO.
Parameters Description
name Name of the user to be added, up to 32 ASCII characters.