The table below shows configurable parameters for TELNET services, which are
specified with the data parameter.
Add network service example:
To configure a TELNET service to offer CLI access on port 23, doing authentication
upon connect:
add network_service CLI_access server_type TELNETD socket 23
add snmp community
address [IP_address]
access [RO | RW]
Adds to the list of SNMP authorized users. The community name and IP address of
SNMP requests from managers on the network must match the list, which you can
see using list snmp communities.
add snmp
address <IP_address>
socket Indicates which “socket” the server listens on. For TFTP and TELNET, it is the
TCP or UDP port #.
enabled This indicates whether the network service is enabled. Enter YES or NO.
data Ancillary Data. This field contains server-specific configuration data. See the
table on the next page for settable ancillary data parameters for TELNET.
Indicates whether or not to close any active connections when a service is
disabled by the disable network_service command. Default: FALSE.
Ancillary Data
auth On indicates that login/password authentication should be performed on
incoming connections.
Default: on.
Format: auth=[on/off]
login_prompt ASCII string specifying the login prompt to be sent during authentication.
It must be quoted.
login: “
Format: login_prompt=[string]
login_banner ASCII string sent to a client when the connection is made. It must be
quoted. Default: none.
Format: login_banner=[string]
Parameters Description
<community_name> Group name that authorizes SNMP requests.
address IP address of the SNMP manager, in the form nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn
access Determines what type of access to SNMP MIBs the added user will have.
Options: Read Only (RO) and Read Write (RW).