When a DNS request is received from a locally attached workstation, the
OfficeConnect Remote 812 will search the local static table to find an entry. If one
is not found, the request will be forwarded to a Remote DNS Server. The DNS
Server is selected by comparing the domain name within the Request. If the
Request was for www.MyCorp.com/events/local the domain MyCorp.com would
match given our configuration and the request would be forwarded to the DNS
Server at If a request was for www.3com.com, a match would
not be found in the Remote server table and therefore the request would be
forwarded to the default Remote DNS Server. In this case, the Remote DNS Server
is dynamically learned when the connection to the remote site “Internet” is first
After a workstation is rebooted and is configured automatically by the
OfficeConnect Remote 812’s DHCP Server, the 812’s browser-based manager can
attach to the OfficeConnect Remote 812 by typing in ocrdsl-3com.com in the
Browser’s location field. If the OfficeConnect Remote 812’s DNS functionality is
disabled, the manager can still be accessed by using the OfficeConnect Remote
812’s LAN address (i.e., for this configuration).
LAN IPX Network
The local IPX Network is defined with a Network Number of 10 and an identifying
name of “ipx”. Routes and Services will be dynamically learned using RIP and SAP
once the Remote Site to MyCorp is established. The following commands are
add ipx network ipx address 10 frame ethernet_ii enable yes
set ipx net ipx rip both sap both
Bridge Configuration A Bridge network is configured for the LAN. With our example, IP and IPX are
routed over the Corporate Remote Site and all other protocols (e.g. AppleTalk) will
be bridged. The Bridge network is added with the following commands:
disable bridge spanning_tree
add bridge network bridge
Remote Site: Internet In our example, we have two defined Remote Sites. In this section, the Remote
Site to the ISP is defined with the identifying name of “Internet”. The configured
network service is PPP, our local WAN address and the remote router address will
be dynamically learned when the connection is established. In addition, we will
dynamically learn the addresses for two remote DNS Servers. The login name for
this account is “internet-user” and the password is “1a2b3c”.
Network Address Translation will be enabled, allowing all the workstations on our
local LAN to share one public IP address. This Remote Site will be used as our
default gateway. The ATM virtual channel is VPI 0 and VCI 32 and the Peak Cell
Rate is set to the default access rate. This remote site is configured with the
following commands:
add vc Internet