7 Avaya Site Administration
Install Avaya Site Administration
252 S8100 Installation and Upgrades
November 2003
• Online Help with Demonstrations – The online help system tells how to administer Avaya Site
Administration, how to perform basic switch administration and troubleshooting, and how to
connect to an INTUITY AUDIX. Many topics include a Show Me button. When a user clicks
Show Me, a short animated demonstration of the task plays. To open the help system, choose
Contents from the Help menu.
• Show Me demonstrations – Users can launch a list of Show Me demonstrations by choosing
Show Me from the Help menu.
• Connection support – Clicking Help on a connection error message will launch a series of
troubleshooting screens to walk users through solving common connection problems.
Install Avaya Site Administration
If you do not have Avaya Site Administration on your computer, make sure your PC or laptop first meets
the minimum requirements described in Table 35, Minimum requirements to run Avaya Site
Administration, on page 252:
Table 35: Minimum requirements to run Avaya Site Administration
Operating systems
MS Windows 2000:
MS Windows XP/ME:
Pentium – 32 MB
Pentium – 64 MB
Pentium – 300 MHz, 64 MB
Pentium 3 – 600 MHz, 256 MB
Graphics adapter SVGA with minimum screen resolution of 800 × 600
Diskette drive 3½-in, 1.44-MB floppy disk drive
CD-ROM CD-ROM drive (required to install Avaya Site Administration from
Available hard disk space At least 100-MB free hard disk space – This requirement depends on
the size and number of configuration data sets.
Printer port Standard PC or network printer port is required for connecting to a
printer to produce station button labels.
Network adapter Required for network access to the Avaya Media Server, AUDIX,
and other network-connected systems.
Free serial ports One free 9600-bps serial port for connecting to each serial device.
We recommend that PCs have at least a 16550A UART (or a
16550A UART simulator, capable of 56-kbps DTE-speed
connections – The USB and internal modems should emulate this
A second serial port is required for a simultaneous serial connection