I Map CD-ROM for an S8100 upgrade
Prepare to access the S8100
340 S8100 Installation and Upgrades
November 2003
Enable the Guest account
1 Click Start → Run, type CMD, and then click OK to open a DOS window.
2 At the CMD prompt, enter the following command:
net user guest guest123
3 Enter the command:
net user guest /active
The Guest account should now be enabled.
4 Enter exit to close the DOS window.
Verify the Guest account’s new setting
1 Return (toggle back to) the Computer Management console.
2 On the toolbar, click the Refresh button (3
from right) to update the screen’s status.
The Guest user’s icon should not be marked a red "X".
3 In the Computer Management console’s title bar, click the "X" to close the window.
Share the laptop’s CD-ROM drive
1 At the laptop’s Windows desktop, double-click the My Computer icon.
The My Computer window contains the various laptop’s devices.
Since, your laptop’s CD-ROM drive is normally an unshared device, its icon should not be
marked with a hand.
2 Right-click the CD-ROM device, and select "Sharing…" in the help menu.
3 In the Sharing tab of the Properties dialog:
a Click the "Share this Folder" option
b If desired, specify the laptop’s Share Name (for example, "Laptop CD-ROM".)
The following figure shows the CD-ROM’s default share name, "D."