402 S8100 Installation and Upgrades
November 2003
pin designations, 281 to 283
pinout information, 99, 270, 280 to 283
power, 115
Avaya Site Administration
new switch configuration, 253
new voice-mail item, 254
components, 249
configuring, 253
download, 197
hardware configuration, 248
help, 251
help system, 248
launching GEDI session, 254
overview, 245
starting sessions, 199
switches, 248
tasks, 251
version 1.5 features, 247
voice mail, 248
Windows 95/98 configuration, 249
adding a scheduled backup, 205
procedures, 302
scheduling, 205
Web interface, 305
bash commands, listed, 329
bit rate, setting, 269
BR851-B adapter, 119
multipoint cabling distances, 121
terminating resistor, 116
building steel, as approved ground, 73, 358
button labels
printing, 251
printing, in ASA, 247
templates, 251
cabling, 57, 343
cross connecting to MDF, 372
cross-connecting to MDF, 86
floor mounting, 350
installing, 57, 343, 352
numbering, 91, 378
plywood backing, installing, 351
power switches, 74
single-cabinet installation, 351
two horizontally mounted cabinets, 351
two vertically mounted cabinets, 351
wall mounting, 350
25-pair pinout, 129
diagrams, 99, 270, 278, 281 to 283
pinouts, 267
cabling the cabinet, 57, 343
call accounting, 185
call-detail recording (CDR)
mapping shared directory, 183
setting call collection interface, 184
setting up, 182
sharing data, 183
verifying call record collection, 184
call-progress tones, setting up country-specific, 176
carrier address ID, setting, 65, 348
mapping S8100 to laptop’s CD-ROM, 144
sharing laptop’s CD-ROM drive, 144
change INTUITY AUDIX commands
change machine, 212
change system-parameter limits, 210
system-parameters country options, 180
channel-service units (CSUs), 105
AC power, 72, 357
alarms, 172
customer’s order, 59, 343
system’s status, 173, 180
for installation technicians, 5
to install and cable cabinet, 5
circuit modules, 86
disallowed, 89, 375
circuit packs, 86, 372
adding, 229, 243
allowed, 86
for CMC1, 372
for G600, 86
disallowed, 89, 375
for CMC1, 375
for G600, 89
downloading firmware, 227
installation, 91, 377
LEDs, 325
pin designations, 281 to 283
slot loading, 91, 377
status LEDs, 326
TN2185 ISDN-BRI 4-wire S Interface, 277
TN2224 Digital Line, 274, 280
TN725B speech synthesizer, 239
TN744D call classifier/tone detector, 377
TN750C announcement, 239, 240
TN795 processor, 91, 226, 377
circuit protection
off premises, 93, 380
protectors, 124
C-LAN functionality, 230
allowed circuit packs, 372
disallowed circuit packs, 375
CMC1 cabinets
power switches, 359