
JInstall and cable a CMC1 cabinet
Install equipment-room hardware for CMC1
S8100 Installation and Upgrades 381
November 2003
Sneak-current protectors must have a maximum rating of 350 mA and a minimum voltage rating of 600V,
or as required by local regulations. The following devices protect the system from over-voltages:
Analog trunks use the 507B sneak protector or equivalent. Over-voltage protection is normally
provided by the local telephone company.
Analog voice terminals use one of the following types of combined over-voltage and sneak-
current protection, or equivalent:
Carbon block with heat coil for UL code 4B1C
Gas tube with heat coil for UL code 4B1E-W
Solid state with heat coil for UL code 4C1S
DCP and ISDN-BRI terminals use the solid state 4C3S-75 with heat coil protector, or equivalent.
DS1/T1 circuits require isolation from exposed facilities. This isolation may be provided by a
channel-service unit (CSU) (T1), or other equipment that provides equivalent protection.
Install sneak fuse panels
Sneak-current protection is required between the incoming RJ21X or RJ2GX network interface and the
system for both trunk and off-premises circuit packs. The model 507B sneak-current fuse panel, or
equivalent, is recommended for sneak-current protection. See Figure 74, Model 507B sneak fuse panel,
on page 381.
Figure 74: Model 507B sneak fuse panel
Figure notes
1 507B sneak-current protector
(comcode 107435091)
2 25-pair male connector (in)
(comcode 846300994)
3 25-pair female connector (out) (comcode
4 220029 fuses (inside panel) – Use a small
screwdriver to pry top cover off.