G GAS commands in bash
Avaya (Lucent) access controller bash commands
330 S8100 Installation and Upgrades
November 2003
environment Displays the TN2314 temperature and voltage ranges
ftpserv Enables the FTP service
fileversion Queries Windows 2000 for executable file
fwversion Displays command version number
gamalarmstat Displays GAM alarm information formatted as follows:
mm/dd/yyyy = month/day/year
Windows 2000 Event Log Name= System | Security | Application
Alarm Source= Windows 2000| GAM | LAC | GSK | VFM | GAS
Windows 2000 Event Type = Error | Warn | Info
Alarm Type = Major | Minor
Event ID= Event field in Windows 2000 Event Log
net user Used to add/activate logins, change passwords
oss Sets telephone numbers for outgoing INADS calls
post If no argument is given, postcodes are sent to the 860 firmware with the results
sent to standard output.
rasdrop If no argument is given, rasdrop schedules the RAS service to stop and restart in 2
minutes from when it was run.
reboot Reboots system as follows:
nice: Shuts down applications and Windows 2000 in a graceful manner
immediate: Reboots the system without waiting for the applications to
shut down, causing possible loss of voice messages that are being recorded
and every call to drop
restartcause Displays the restart causes for system (for technician/TSC)
serialnumber Reads and displays the serial number of the circuit pack
setip Sets the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway of the LAN interface to the
customer’s LAN (out the splitter cable). Turns on RAS. Reboot is required for this
to take effect.
Table 56: Bash commands for Avaya logins 2 of 3
Command Description
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