S8100 Installation and Upgrades 407
November 2003
S8100 Installation and Upgrades 407
November 2003
safety precautions, 52
SAT session, connecting via Telnet, 296
backups, 205
Diskeeper defragmentation, 315
security measurements
forced password aging, 292
logoff notification, 292
selector consoles, 26B1, 109
setip bash command, 152, 164, 295, 332, 333, 334
bit rate, 269
carrier address ID, 65, 348
country-specific call-progress tones, 176
date and time, 174
line impedance, 269
RAS IP address, 333
ringing option, 97, 385
switch name, 295
displaying current settings, 332
shipping errors, correcting, 59, 344
shutdown bash command, 318
signaling leads, DC power, 267
ground block, 75, 360
grounds, 75, 360
site requirements, 58
slot loading of circuit packs, 91, 377
slot numbering, 91, 378
sneak current
fuse panels, 94, 381
fuses, 95, 382
protection, 94, 381
sneak fuse, connector pinout, 95, 382
administering, 199
community string configuration, 202
disable, 178
enable, 178
starting and stopping, 203
trap destination configuration, 200
copy-protection mechanisms, 265
recovery, 319
serial number serialnumber bash command, 163
version, 163
speech synthesis, adding, 239
statapp bash command, 334
stations connections, 102
checking system’s status, 173, 180
LEDs on circuit packs, 326
super_user, 292
switch name, setting, 295
switch settings
external modem, 85, 135, 371
TN464 circuit pack, 269
TN760 tie trunk, 267
adding new switch configuration, 253
interacting with Avaya Site Administration, 248
swversion bash command, 163
cabinet, installing, 65, 348
initialization, 159
reboots, 320
recovery, 317
resets, reasons for, 319
T1 channel-service unit, 105
connection, 99
emergency transfer, 133, 401
features, administering, 182
installing, 99
pin designations, 115
pinout information, 115
Telnet session, 152
templates, for
adding objects, in ASA, 250
button labels, in ASA, 251
rack-mounted G600, 6, 65
wall-mounted CMC1, 352
terminal connections, 99
terminating resistor, 116
adapter, 116
block, 117
test call, 182
TFTP server, configuring, 161
tie trunk
adding, 237
circuit pack option settings, 267
connectivity, 104
digital wiring, 103
time, setting, 174
TN2181, pinout information, 115
TN2224 Digital Line, 274, 280
faceplate, 323
LEDs, 322
replacing a TN795, 225
TN2793, 278
TN464, option settings, 269
TN750C, 240
TN760, option settings, 267
TN793, 278
faceplate, 98, 386
replace the circuit pack, 226
replacing with a TN2314, 225
TN799C, installing, 231
transfer password file, 168
adding, 181
copy protection, 265
save procedure, 99
troubleshooting, 259
commands, 261
error messages, 259
trunks, adding, 236
type-approved external modem, 85, 135, 371