Upgrading the S8300A
Issue 9.1 June 2006 251
Upgrading the S8300A
CAUTION: This upgrade procedure, including remastering the hard drive on the S8300,
requires a service interruption of approximately 4 hours, or up to 6 hours if IA770
is being used.
This section describes the procedures for upgrading the S8300A Media Server from a pre-3.0
release of Communication manager to release 3.1.
Upgrading an S8300 to release 3.1 requires removing the S8300A and replacing it with an
S8300B. The new S8300B should have the remastering program (RP) software installed on its
hard drive. The remastering program remasters the hard drive and installs the R 3.1
Communications Manager software. These procedures are described in this section.
This section covers:
● Installing the pre-upgrade software service pack, if necessary on page 251
● Linux migration backup (if current release is 1.2.0 through 1.3.x) on page 254
● Replacing the S8300A with the S8300B Media Server on page 257
● Upgrading Communication Manager software on page 258
Installing the pre-upgrade software service pack, if necessary
A pre-upgrade service pack is required only if the current software is between 1.2.0 and 1.3.0.
If the current software release is between 1.1.0 and 1.1.9, or between 2.0.0 and 2.0.9, skip this
service pack installation procedure and go to Replacing the S8300A with the S8300B Media
Server on page 257.
If the current software release is 1.3.1, skip this service pack installation procedure and go to
Linux migration backup (if current release is 1.2.0 through 1.3.x)
on page 254.
Note: Typically, any existing service packs should be removed before installing a new
service pack. However, removing existing service packs is not necessary for this