
Install the S8300
Issue 9.1 June 2006 481
3. At the prompt, type ls -ltr and press Enter to list files in the FTP directory.
The S8300 displays a list of files in the FTP directory.
4. Verify that the directory contains the update .tar.gz file you have uploaded, if any.
5. Type update_unpack <update> .tar.gz, and press Enter,
where <update> is the release or issue number of the latest update file (for example,
6. Type update_show again and press Enter to list Communication Manager files.
Verify the new software file was installed.
7. Type update_activate <update>, and press Enter,
where <update> is the release or issue number of the latest update file (for example,
00.0.661.4-1003). Do not use the .tar.gz extension at the end of the file name.
Enter y response to the question, Commit this software?
The S8300 goes through a software reset system 4. The S8300 also may display the
/opt/ecs/sbin/drestart 1 4 command failed
Ignore this message. You must wait until the restart/reset has completed before entering
additional commands.
The S8300 displays a message that the update was applied.
8. Type update_show again and press Enter to list Communication Manager files.
Verify the new software file was applied.
Configuring the S8300
To configure the S8300 server using the Maintenance Web Interface
CAUTION: For a new installation, be sure you have set the time and timezone before
proceeding. Failure to do so may cause network problems later.
1. On the S8300 Web page main menu, click on Configure Server under Server
Configuration and Upgrade. The system displays the Configure Server screen.