Post-upgrade tasks
Issue 9.1 June 2006 339
3. Make sure everything except ENV, arbiter, and dupmgr shows UP. Communication
Manager should show 65/65 UP or, if IA770 is installed, 67/67 UP.
The number of processes (67/67) may vary depending on the configuration. For a normal
state, the second number should not be greater than the first number. For example, the
numbers 66/67 UP would indicate that a process did not come up and should be
investigated before proceeding.
4. Using a telephone, make test calls to verify that call processing is working.
5. Run an IA770 sanity test:
a. At the Linux command line, type /vs/bin/display
b. All states should be Inserv with an associated phone number.
c. Retrieve the test message saved before the upgrade.
If IA 770 fails to start after an upgrade
If you have upgraded your Communication Manager and IA 770 INTUITY AUDIX software, you
must have a new license that is associated with the latest release. IA 770 will not use the
license for a previous version.
If you upgraded IA 770 without a new license file, it will fail to start during the Communication
Manager startup sequence.
If this occurs, you must do the following steps:
1. Obtain an IA 770 Replace variable w/ release number license file.
2. Install the license file.
3. From a command prompt, start the IA 770 process with the following command:
start -s Audix
Copying IP Phone firmware to the media server, if necessary
If, before the upgrade, the server was serving as an http server for IP phone firmware,
download the most recent IP phone firmware bundle available from the Avaya Firmware
Download Web site. The firmware bundle reinstates the 46xx IP Phone Web page in
Communication Manager and also makes the 46xx IP Phone firmware for the tftp or http server
capability of the media server.
Note: The IP phone firmware that was originally downloaded will have been