Call detail recording (CDR)
Issue 9.1 June 2006 415
To administer CDR parameters
1. Type change system-parameters cdr and press RETURN.
The CDR System Parameters screen appears.
2. In the Primary Output Format field, enter a format specific to the call accounting system, if
In the example, unformatted is used. If you were sending data directly to a printer, you
would use printer.
3. In the Primary Output Endpoint field, type CDR1.
4. If you use a secondary output device, and that device is also connected through TCP/IP,
complete the Secondary Output Format field.
Also, type CDR2 in the Secondary Output Endpoint field.
5. Press ENTER to save your changes.
change system-parameters cdr Page 1 of 1
Node Number (Local PBX ID): CDR Date Format: month/day
Primary Output Format: unformatted Primary Output Endpoint: CDR1
Secondary Output Format: unformatted Secondary Output Endpoint: CDR2
Use ISDN Layouts? n EIA Device Bit Rate: 9600
Use Enhanced Formats? n Condition Code âTâ for Redirected Calls? n
Modified Circuit ID Display? n Remove # From Called Number? n
Record Outgoing Calls Only? y Intra-switch CDR? n
Suppress CDR for Ineffective Call Attempts? y CDR Call Splitting? y
Disconnect Information in Place of FRL? n Outg Attd Call Record? y
Interworking Feat-flag? n
Force Entry of Acct Code for Calls Marked on Toll Analysis Form? n
Calls to Hunt Group - Record: member-ext
Record Called Vector Directory Number Instead of Group or Member? n
Record Called Agent Login ID Instead of Group or Member? n
Inc Trk Call Splitting? n
Record Non-Call-Assoc TSC? n Call Record Handling Option: warning
Record Call-Assoc TSC? n Digits to Record for Outgoing Calls: dialed
Privacy - Digits to Hide: 0 CDR Account Code Length: 4