
Telephones and adjunct systems
404 Installing and Upgrading the Avaya G700 Media Gateway and Avaya S8300 Media Server
To administer the IOLAN+ the first time
1. At the login prompt type any text and press ENTER.
2. At the second prompt type set term ansi and press ENTER to view the Connections
3. Under Connection select Port 1 (the port to which the adjunct is connected) and press
ENTER to access the Commands menu.
4. Select Admin mode > Password and press ENTER.
Name: port 2 CONNECTIONS MENU Terminal: 2
Connection Host
1 *** FREE ** === Commands ===
2 *** FREE ** | Telnet ^T|
3 *** FREE ** | Rlogin ^R|
4 *** FREE ** | Port ^P|
| Admin mode ^A|
| CLI |
| Lock |
| Logout ^D|
IOLAN PLUS v4.02.00 a CDi iolan
Name: port 2 ADMINISTRATION MENU Terminal: 2
gateway Examine/modify gateway table.
host Examine/modify host table.
line Terminal configuration organised by line.
password Specify password to allow modification of menu items.
port Terminal configuration organised by port.
quit Return to connections menu.
server Examine/modify Server parameters.
stats Examine Server statistics.
Password [ ]
IOLAN PLUS v4.02.00 a CDi iolan-st