About upgrading an existing S8300A to R3.1
Issue 9.1 June 2006 591
The new S8300B media server will normally not have Communication Manager software
installed on it. If it does, remastering the hard drive is still recommended but could be replaced
with a standard upgrade.
If the current system has a 2.0.x release of Communication Manager installed, it is possible to
move the hard drive from the S8300A to the S8300B and then upgrade to 3.1. This saves a few
steps but it is not recommended for the following reasons:
● If the S8300A hard drive is not moved, it provides a means to quickly revert to the original
configuration, if necessary.
● Hardware could be damaged in the process of changing hard drives.
● Only the Fujitsu hard drives can be moved.
● The hard drives on the S8300B have a larger capacity than the hard drives on S8300A.
Accessing the Server CD
The R3.1 Communication Manager software and other files needed for the R3.1 upgrade are on
the Server CD that you take to the customer site. You can make the Server CD available to the
upgrade process in one of two ways:
● Recommended: Place the CD in the CD-ROM drive on the technician’s laptop. This
method requires that the Avaya TFTP Server software (available at support.avaya.com
) is
installed on the technician’s laptop. In addition, this method requires that the S8300B does
not have Communication Manager software installed on its hard drive.
● Place the CD in an external USB CD-ROM drive connected to one of the USB ports on the
S8300 faceplate. This method works whether or not Communication Manager software is
installed on the S8300B hard drive.
Important: Before you go to the site, either you must have the TFTP server installed on your
laptop (recommended), or you must have an external USB CD-ROM drive.
The new S8300B will normally not have Communication Manager software installed on its
hard drive. You should check the S8300B that you will be installing (or ask the customer to
check) before going to the site to determine whether you need to have the external USB
CD-ROM drive.
- If software is not installed, the label on the hard drive will say “S8300B Hard Drive
Without CM Software.”
- If software is installed, the label will indicate the software release.
In this case, you must use the external USB CD-ROM drive because the TFTP server on
your laptop will not work.