6. GUI orientation
It is possible that after the unit is turned on, the hardware configuration can be altered m aking certain Destinations to have invalid
Output configurations.
In this cas e the Destination in the S ystem Diagram becomes gr ey and adjustment are disabled. In this case the destination needs
to be deleted and new o ne created to reflect the existing output configuration.
How to a dd De stination
To assign an output configuration to a destination, select the output config uration (output Tab) and then click on the Add S creen
Destination or the Add Aux Destination button (D estination Tab ). These buttons are enabled (highlighted in b lue) as long as there
are unassigned output configurations.
Image 6-27
If the Ad d destination button is pressed without selecting an output configuration, the software will automatically a ssign the first
unassigned output configuration (from left most output c
ard) to a destination. The output configuration format is copied to the desti-
nation output format.
New Sc reen or Aux destinations can be added as long as there are unas signed output c onfigurations to destinations.
Alternatively, you assign outputs to destinations by dragging them into the output configuration the Destination block. In the example
below, the output 1 was assigned to ScreenDest1 and the destination format was set to 1920x1080 reflecting the format of output1.
When output 2 is dragged into the same destination, then the format changes to 38 20x1080 reflecting a 2x1 setup. W hen outputs
are dragged into a destination in this matter, the software assumes it is a horizontal setup with 0 pixel overlap. The overlap can
be modified in the … m enu. If a vertical setup is desired, then the output configuration needs to be s etup as such in the output
config uration menus.
Image 6-28
How to delete Destination
1. Click on the Delete Destination(s) button
The D elete Destination(s) button is replaced by the Delete Selected button (highlighted in red) and the E2 diagram is greyed
out, except the area dedicated to destinations (Screen and Aux).
2. Click on destination in the graphical ar ea.
R5905948 E2 12/12/2014