6. GUI orientation
6.7 Configuration Menu
The Configuration menu is the module used to edit the Presentation Systems (creation, modification, deletion). This page is the
first page that appears when you launch the EM GU I software.
The user w ill us e this page to add or remove devices to the selected system. The user also could modify the param eters of these
devices like inputs, backgrounds, outputs and destinations.
The System configura tion Menu is divided in 4 parts:
Image 6-6
System Configuration Menu
1 Device area Available devices are listed in this area. There are 3 tabs
in this section:
• Devices in use in the selec ted system.
• Discovered devices on the local network.
• Simulated devices.
2 System diagram area The selected system is graphically represented in
this area. To view a different system you select the
corresponding tab from t he top.
3 System modifier ar ea System information is displayed in this area. To view a
different system you select the corresponding tab from
the top
4 Adjustment area
There are several panels in this area: Input/Background,
Output and Des tinations. Each panel displays the list
of items currently defined in the system. T he user can
also add or delete and define more items . The adjust tab,
allows the user to ad just v ariables in each panel.
The following sections describe each part of the System Configuration Menu in detail:
•"Configur ation Menu > Dev ice area", page 77
•"Configur ation Menu > System diagram area", page 79
•"Configur ation Menu > System modifier area", page 81
•"Configur ation Menu > Adjustmen t area", page 82
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