6. GUI orientation
Status Show status:
• Online: the VP is online and the we b app lication can
be reached.
• Webapplicationerror: the VP is online but the web
application cannot be displayed.
• Offline (inredtext):theVPisoffline.
Refresh WebKit a rea button Similar to web browser, pressing this button will trigger
an attempt to refresh / r econnect to the web interface of
the selected V P.
System select com bo box Informs the users which System is currently being
selected. If there is more than 1 System defined in the
UI, this com bo box can be used to select between the
different S ystems.
6 Device select comb o box
Informs the us er which Device is currently being selected
in the selected system.
WebKit area Main work area where the different menus are displayed.
The following sec tions describe each part of the Settings Menu in detail:
• "Settings Menu > WebKit area", page 144
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