6. GUI orientation
• Features:
- Eac h m ixer has two layers, A and B. For co mplete flexibility, each layer c an be assigned to either PIP or Key functionality.
Image 6-33
-TheBackgro und layer has the lowest priority. Any input or inputs can be used as a backgrou
nd. This layer visually appears
behind all other PIPs and keys. The system can transition between two background sources.
- O n any mixer, a PIP layer appea rs over backgrounds and under other layers of higher priority. PIP effects include mixes,
smooth moves, resizing, adjustable aspect ratio, borders and drop shadows.
- O n any m ixer, a Key layer also appears over backgrounds and under other layers of higher priority. Key effects include
luminance k eys, split keys (k ey alpha or fill), invert key s and chroma keys (future release).
• Adjustments:
- Size, Position, Mask, Border, S hadow.
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