6. GUI orientation
6.25 Programming Menu > Adjustment a rea > Presets configuration
The Preset is a register that enab les you to s tore destination setups, “looks”, to mem ory, and recall them back.
Presets configuration menu description
This menu pro vides:
• The list of the av ailable Presets.
• A button to create new Pres et.
• A button to overwrite the preset data in the selected Preset.
• A button to enter a multiple delete of preset mode.
• A search edit box to search Pr esets.
• Three buttons to manag e preset recall actions.
Save to new Preset
Saves the current look into a new Preset. O nly Destinations that are active or selected will be saved. For example: There are 3
Destinations. User enables Dest1 and Des t 3 presses “Save to new Preset.” Only Dest1 and Dest3 looks will be stored. Dest 2 will
not be part of this Preset
Overwrite Preset
This button allows the override of a selected Pr eset, if the destination is active. The n ame of the preset will not be updated.
Delete Preset(s)
By pressing this button, the delete “x
” marks will appear next to all presets. Select the presets you like to delete and then press the
red “Delete Selected” button.
Search edit box
Search Presets by name. Us er types in Presets name and press E NTER , if match, the vertical slider will move to show the Presets
as the top most entry in the list and selects the Preset.
Recall buttons
They are not enabled unless a Preset is selected from the list.
1. Recall Previous button: Recalls the P revious preset. Not ac tive is the Preset1 is selected.
2. Recall Selected button: Recalls the currently selected Preset.
3. Recall Next: Recalls the next preset. Not active the last preset in the list is selected.
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