
Allgemeines Kurzanlei- TourenZieleingabe Zielspeicher Einstellun-
Entering destinations in map mode
Use (the globe icon) to determine a destination for navigation in map mode.
1. Select on the top line of the “Destination” menu. Press
A map which indicates north facing up will appear.
The map will show the surroundings of the last active destination. If no desti-
nation has been entered, the map will indicate the current vehicle location.
Use the cross wires to select the destination.
2. Use
on the remote control to move the cross wires in the di-
rection of the desired destination.
The cross wires will move across the display.
If you move the cross wires over the edge of the map, the next section of the
map will appear automatically.
Plus Point: Depending on the map scale, the name of the street or the name
of the town/city over which the cross wires are passing will appear on the
line below the map.
Adjusting the map scale
If the destination is far away from your current location, you can alter the map scale,
allowing you to move the cross wires quickly over long distances.
1. Press
while the map is on display.
A selection menu will appear.
2. Select “Scale”. Press
A window you can use to alter the map scale will appear.
3. Select the desired scale. Press
The map will appear in the new scale.
Entering destinations