Selecting an external video source ..... 61
Selecting driving time or time of
arrival ............................................... 35
Selecting non-urban destinations ........ 21
Selecting route options ....................... 44
Selecting surrounding destinations ..... 20
Selecting the automatic/day/night
display mode.............................. 35, 59
Selecting the clock display .................. 65
Selecting the current position map ...... 32
Selecting the display format ................ 62
Selecting the display of driving or
arrival time ....................................... 64
Selecting the information map............. 31
Selecting the junction .......................... 13
Selecting the language ....................... 57
Selecting the map display ................... 34
Selecting the time format .................... 64
Selecting the town centre .................... 19
Setting the brightness of the keypad
illumination ....................................... 72
Setting the clock .................................. 63
Setting the standby time ..................... 65
Starting route guidance ................. 24, 27
Switching the monitor on/off ................ 71
Switching the operating introduction
on/off ................................................ 60
Switching to map display..................... 15
Switching to the video source ............. 61
System settings ................................... 57
Theft protection system ......................... 9
Using the last destination used for
navigation ........................................ 52
Viewing the route list ........................... 28