Allgemeines Kurzanlei- TourenZieleingabe Zielspeicher Einstellun-
Route guidance
Information on the map
You can also have such additional information as car parks and petrol stations dis-
played in symbol form on the map.
The following information can also be displayed on the map:
Exhibition centre Motorway exit Motorway service st.
Car rental Train station Shopping centre
Ferry Airport Restaurant
Border crossing Hotel Hospital
Authorities Car park Police station
Post office Places of interest Other destination
Sport facilities Petrol station Theatre/Culture
Car mechanics
Plus Point: You can select car mechanics for your make of vehicle.
1. Press
to open the selection menu.
Select “Settings”. Press
The “Settings” menu will appear. ✔
2. Select . Press
A list of the available information will appear. ✔
3. Mark the information you want displayed on the map. Press
for each se-
A “checkmark” should appear in front of every type of information you want
displayed. ✔
Plus Point: If you like, on the right side of the menu you can optionally dis-
play all the information at the same time (
icon) or hide it ( icon). To
do so, select the corresponding icon.
4. Once you have selected all the information you want displayed on the map,
mark the “OK” menu item.
5. Press
The map displaying the information selected will appear. ✔