Selecting route options
You can select a number of route options for route calculation to meet your individual
You can always select between the short and the fast route. In addition, you can use
or avoid motorways, toll roads, ferries and switch dynamic route guidance (TMC) on
or off. (For more information on dynamic route guidance, refer to the section on “Dy-
namic route guidance with TMC”).
Plus Point: You can alter and save the route options for any single route or
for route guidance in general.
Some of the route options are mutually exclusive. Dynamic route guidance, for exam-
ple, can only be used in conjunction with the options “Fast route”, “Motorway”, “Ferry”
and “Toll”.
Altering route options prior to route guidance
After you have started route guidance, you will see an information menu containing
data on the current destination, you will also hear the following voice output: “The
route is being calculated.” Now you can alter the route options.
1. When “Change route options” is marked, press
The “Change route options” menu will appear. ✔
The active route option for “Short route” or “Fast route” is marked with a dot.
The other active options are marked with a checkmark.
Activating/deactivating route options
2. Move the selection bar to the option you want to alter. Press
A checkmark will appear or disappear. ✔
3. Mark the icon. Press the
The route is calculated taking the changed options into account. ✔