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License Manager (page 5-37). View license information for installed licensed applications.
Managed Programs (page 5-37). View install history for .NET programs.
Memory (page 5-38). Display current state of virtual memory.
Mixer (page 5-39). Adjust the input and output parameters – volume, side-tone, and record gain, for headphone,
software and microphone.
MX7 Tecton Options (page 5-40). Set various device specific configuration options.
Peripherals (page 5-42). Enable or disable touch screen heater and scanner window heater, if installed. Set the
heater trip point in degrees C.
Regional Settings (page 5-43). Set appearance of numbers, currency, time and date based on country region
and language settings.
Registry (page 5-45). Load User Defaults, Save User Defaults, Load Factory Defaults, and Warmboot.
Remove Programs (page 5-46). Remove user installed programs.
Screen (page 5-46). Calibrate touch screen, adjust text options.
Task Manager (page 5-49). Display running tasks. Cancel running tasks.
Wi-Fi (page 5-49). Set the parameters for a Summit client.