
User Profiles
When you install MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1, a number of user profiles are
created. These include QMQM, QMQMADM, and NOBODY. These three
objects are central to the correct running of MQSeries for AS/400. Under no
circumstances should you alter or delete them. If you do, IBM cannot
guarantee correct behavior of your product.
These profiles are retained when the product is deleted.
Compilers Supported for MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Applications
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 supports the following compilers:
v IBM ILE C for AS/400 compiler (5768-CX2)
v IBM ILE C++ for AS/400 compiler (5799-GDW)
v IBM VisualAge
for C++ for AS/400 compiler (5769-CX4)
v IBM ILE COBOL for AS/400 compiler Version 3 (5769-CB1)
v IBM ILE RPG for AS/400 compiler (5769-RG1)
v AS/400 Developer Kit for Java (5769-JV1)
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 is supplied on CD-ROM.
There are three CD-ROMs.
v One contains the MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 base product and sample
v Another contains the client products that you can use with MQSeries for
v The third contains MQSeries for AS/400 publications.
Java support is supplied on the MQSeries Web site, at:
MQSeries for AS/400 Components
The components are as follows:
Base Support to enable you to create and support your own applications.
This includes the run-time component that provides support for
external applications. It also includes support for client connections
from other MQSeries products.
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings