
MQSeries Client for Java
This allows Java applets running on your client machine to
communicate with MQSeries. It includes security exits for encryption
and authentication of messages sent across the Web by the MQSeries
Client for Java. These exits consist of some Java classes. To use the
client for Java you need to have Java run-time code on your machine,
at the following (or later compatible) levels:
AIX Java version 1.1.1
HP-UX Java version 1.1.2
Sun Solaris Java version 1.1.1
For information about Java run-time see the MQSeries Using Java book.
Note: If it is possible on your platform, at installation time the
CLASSPATH environment variable will either be updated if
already present, or created if not.
MQSeries Internet Gateway documentation
MQSeries Internet Gateway documentation supplied in HTML format.
MQSeries Internet Gateway
Provides access to MQSeries applications via HTML and CGI (only
CGI on the Sun Solaris platform). The MQSeries Internet Gateway
does not support NSAPI on the HP-UX platform.
Digital UNIX Client: Hardware and Software Required
This section outlines the hardware and software requirements for an MQSeries
client for Digital UNIX (Compaq Tru64 UNIX).
An MQSeries client can run on any Digital Alpha machine capable of running
Digital UNIX, Version 4.0.D.
The following are prerequisites for MQSeries applications running on a Digital
UNIX client.
Minimum supported levels are shown. Later levels, if any, will be supported
unless otherwise stated.
v Digital UNIX, Version 4.0.D or later Version 4.0.x
For TCP/IP connectivity, any communications hardware supporting TCP/IP
in the Digital UNIX environment can be used.
Components for AIX
Chapter 6. Planning to Install MQSeries Clients 47