4. Fill in the name of your queue manager in the
Message Queue Manager name field. For example TEST.QMANAGER.
5. Press Enter.
There are three more parts to the CRTMQMQ panel. Scroll through them and
enter values for the other options if you wish, or otherwise just accept all the
defaults. The panels are shown in Figure 3 through Figure 5.
Create MQM Queue (CRTMQMQ)
Type choices, press Enter.
Queue name...........>TEST.QUEUE_________________________________
Queue type...........>*LCL *ALS, *LCL, *MDL, *RMT
Message Queue Manager name...>TEST.QMANAGER______________________________
Replace ............ *NO *NO, *YES
Text 'description'....... ''________________________________________
Put enabled .......... *YES *SYSDFTQ, *NO, *YES
Default message priority.... 0 0-9, *SYSDFTQ
Default message persistence . . *NO *SYSDFTQ, *NO, *YES
Process name.......... ''________________________________________
Triggering enabled....... *NO *SYSDFTQ, *NO, *YES
Get enabled .......... *YES *SYSDFTQ, *NO, *YES
Sharing enabled ........ *YES *SYSDFTQ, *NO, *YES
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
Figure 3. Create MQM Queue panel (part 2)
Working with MQSeries
Chapter 5. Using MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 39