
Chapter 5. Using MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1
This chapter introduces MQSeries command sets and some basic tasks that
you can perform to get yourself started with MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1.
Tasks include creating and starting a queue manager, and creating, clearing,
browsing, and deleting a local queue. The examples given use CL commands,
but you can select the appropriate command from any of the supplied
command sets.
Before you Start
Before you can use MQSeries for AS/400 you must start a subsystem. If you
have not already done so, issue the command:
To use MQSeries CL commands, for example CRTMQM (create queue
manager) or STRMQM (start queue manager), your user profile must be a
member of the group profile QMQMADM. Use the CHGUSRPRF command to
change your user profile, and specify QMQMADM against either the group
profile (GRPPRF) parameter or the supplementary group profile
(SUPGRPPRF) parameter.
It is not essential for your user profile to belong to the QMQMADM group
profile for issuing PCF commands from an administration program or MQI
calls from an application program.
If you have installed the samples, ensure that all users have access to the
QMQMSAMP library. Do this using the GRTOBJAUT command:
For details of MQSeries Work Management and security, see the MQSeries for
AS/400 V5.1 System Administration book.
Introducing Command Sets
MQSeries provides three command sets for performing administration tasks:
v Command Language commands (CL commands)
v MQSC commands
v PCF commands
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