
Every message has a coded-character set identifier (CCSID) in its header. The
CCSID tag identifies the code page and character set of the source. For
CCSIDs that are supported on the AS/400 see the AS/400 National Language
Support book.
The CCSID information is obtained, when a queue manager is created, from
the job CCSID. If this does not contain a valid value in the range 1–65534, the
information is obtained from the default CCSID value for the job.
Note: The CCSID must be either Single-byte character set (SBCS), or Mixed,
that is SBCS and DBCS. It must not be DBCS only.
You can change the CCSID used by the MQSeries queue manager by using
the CL command CHGMQM. See “Setting the Queue Manager CCSID for
MQSeries for AS/400” on page 43 for more information.
You should check that the coordinated universal time offset (QUTCOFFSET)
system value has been set, to indicate the relationship between the system
time and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). You do this by working with the
CHGSYSVAL command.
If QUTCOFFSET is not set, it takes the default value of zero. MQSeries for
AS/400 then assumes that the local system time is universal time coordinated
(UTC) - that is, GMT - and time stamps the MQSeries for AS/400 messages
Ensure that QSYS2 is included in the list of libraries that make up the system
part of the library list.
MQSeries for AS/400 uses programs in this library for data conversion and
SNA LU 6.2 communication.
Ensure that the QALWOBJRST system value is set to *ALL or *ALWPGMADP
before you install MQSeries for AS/400. If it is set to *NONE, the installation
will fail.
After installation, reset QALWOBJRST to its original value to maintain system
Before Installation
MQSeries for AS/400, V5.1 Quick Beginnings