
1. Use the NET USE command as follows:
NET USE devicename \\servername\netname
For example:
v J: is the logical drive name to be connected to the shared resource
v MQMSHARE is the netname for M:\INSTMQS.
2. Go to the language directory that contains the SETUP.EXE and SETUP.ISS
files and run SETUP -s.
1. The -s parameter indicates that the installation is to be carried out in silent
mode. This parameter is mandatory for an unattended installation.
2. SETUP.EXE uses the SETUP.ISS file in the current directory to silently
install the product.
Removing an MQSeries Client from Windows 95 and Windows 98
If you want to remove the MQSeries client files from your machine, use
Settings/ Control Panel/ Add-Remove Programs. First select MQSeries Client,
which launches the uninstall program. Then select the components you want
to remove and click Remove.
If you choose to remove all MQSeries components and are then likely to
reinstall MQSeries, you should restart your computer to complete the
uninstall process. You cannot reinstall any components until you have
All the MQSeries client files that were created at installation time are removed
by the process.
Installing on Windows 3.1
To install an MQSeries client on a Windows 3.1 system you use the MQSeries
Client CD-ROM supplied as part of the MQSeries product.
1. Insert the MQSeries Client CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
2. Open the directory WIN31.
3. Change to the appropriate language subdirectory for the language you
wish to install:
Installing on Windows 95 or 98
Chapter 7. Installing MQSeries Clients 81