Overview of OfficeBridge
Screens Used in OfficeBridge 1-13
Deleted Documents Box
Displays a list of all deleted documents, regardless of whether they are personal or
This document list is shared with other registered users. The displayed documents are
the same for all users.
Documents in the “Deleted Documents Box” document list have not been •
permanently deleted. To delete a document permanently, select it and click
You can enable/disable the “Deleted Documents Box” document list in “Enable the •
deleted document box” in “Document Box Settings”. If you disable the document list,
it is not displayed.
The items displayed are indicated below.
Item Description
Checkbox To select a document, select the corresponding checkbox.
• To select all the documents on the displayed page, select the top checkbox.
• Click the same checkbox to deselect the item.
Displays the properties of the document.
If you click this, the “Document Properties” screen is displayed.
Document Name Displays the file name of the document.
• Click the document name to check a preview image of the document.
• By selecting a le name from the pull-down menu, you can lter the
displayed documents by file name.
• For scanned documents, the date and time that scanning was performed
is set as the file name if you do not set a document name when scanning.
(Example: A document scanned at 13:30:30 on January 15th, 2010 is
named “20100115133030”.)
Category Displays the set document category.
If you select a document category from the pull-down menu, you can filter
the displayed documents by category.
Size Displays the paper size of the document.