Operating Utilities
Creating Cover Pages (CoverPage Editor) 4-25
CoverPage Editor Editing Screen
The part names and functions of the CoverPage Editor editing screen are described below.
Menu bar
Tool bar
Editing area
Status bar
Part Names and Functions
Menu bar
Menu Name Command Name Description
File New Creates a new file.
Open Opens an existing file.
Save Overwrites the edited file.
Save as Saves to a new file. Alternatively, saves an existing file under a
different name.
The extension “.cpt” is added to the file.
Upload Uploads the created file to OfficeBridge. You can use the
uploaded file as a cover page.
Upload Settings Selects the location of the OfficeBridge to upload to.
Print Prints the created file.
Print Preview Displays a print preview of the file you have created.
Recent Files Displays the names of the files used most recently.
Exit Closes CoverPage Editor.