
Chapter 2 Installation and Configuration
© National Instruments Corporation 2-5 PC-OPDIO-16 User Manual
NI-DAQ Installation for Windows
To install NI-DAQ for Windows, run the SETUPWIN program on Disk 1. One way to do this is
to select the File menu from the Program Manager Window, then select Run... and type in
a:\setupwin, assuming a: is the floppy disk drive containing Disk 1. When prompted, select
the Install/Upgrade NI-DAQ for Windows option.
Setupwin will install examples programs and support files for a variety of languages and
compilers. Choose all of the languages/compilers you plan to use. The NI-DAQ installer
examines your computer system to determine the system-dependent files that you need.
After installing NI-DAQ, continue by reading the Software Configuration section to configure
your PC-OPDIO-16.
Software Configuration
Before you begin your NI-DAQ application development, you must configure your
PC-OPDIO-16. NI-DAQ needs the device configuration information to program your hardware
You can configure your PC-OPDIO-16 board using DAQCONF or WDAQCONF. DAQCONF and
WDAQCONF are applications that you can use to view and configure your DAQ boards and SCXI
hardware for NI-DAQ to use. DAQCONF is a DOS-based application while WDAQCONF is
Windows-based. If you are using NI-DAQ in DOS, you need to run DAQCONF. If you are using
NI-DAQ in Windows or LabWindows/CVI, you should run WDAQCONF. Refer to the
appropriate section that follows according to the system you are using.
Configuring Your PC-OPDIO-16
The National Instruments switchless devices support switchless and jumperless configuration in
DOS and Windows. All resources including base address on these devices are fully software
configurable. No jumpers or DIP switches are needed to configure any of these resources.
The NI-DAQ installer will install a standalone executable called NI-PNP.EXE in the boot
directory of your root drive. This program detects and configures any switchless devices you
have in your computer. The program will run every time you boot from your autoexec.bat
file. After configuring your switchless hardware in the system, the program will generate an
NI-PNP.INI file in the same directory. This file contains information about the National
Instruments devices in your system, including switchless devices.
The DAQ configuration utility (WDAQCONF or DAQCONF) will read the NI-PNP.INI for
information and will automatically configure any switchless devices you have in your computer.
The utility will also deconfigure any previously configured switchless device that you have
removed from your computer. Running the configuration utility after installing a new switchless
device is important because you will be able to obtain a mapping for the newly installed device
into an NI-DAQ device number.