
NI-DAQ Function Reference Chapter 6
PC-OPDIO-16 User Manual 6-4 © National Instruments Corporation
To do so, go to the Project window and choose the Global module, then choose Load Text
from the Code menu. Select NIDAQCNS.INC , which is in the NIDAQWIN\VB_EX directory.
Choose Replace or Merge, depending on how you want to incorporate this file into your global
This procedure is identical to the procedure you would follow when loading the Visual Basic file
CONSTANT.TXT. Search on the word CONSTANT for more information from the Visual Basic
on-line help. Alternatively, you can cut and paste individual lines from this file and place them
in the module where you need them. However, if you do so, you should remove the word Global
from the CONSTANTS definition. For example,
would become:
NI-DAQ for LabWindows/CVI
In the LabWindows/CVI environment, NI-DAQ functions appear in the Data Acquisition
function panels under the Libraries menu. Each function panel represents an
NI-DAQ function, which is displayed at the bottom of the panel. The function panels have help
text for each function and each parameter.
Table 6-3 shows the LabWindows/CVI function panel and the name of the corresponding
NI-DAQ function which supports the PC-OPDIO-16 board.
Table 6-3. LabWindows/CVI Function Tree for Data Acquisition
Using the PC-OPDIO-16
LabWindows/CVI Function Panel NI-DAQ Function
Data Acquisition
Initialize Board Init_DA_Brds
Get Device Information Get_DAQ_Device_Info
Get DAQ Library Version Get_NI_DAQ_Version
Digital Input/Output
Read Port DIG_In_Port
Read Line DIG_In_Line
Write Port DIG_Out_Port
Write Line DIG_Out_Line
Initialization/Utilities is a class of functions used for general board initialization and
configuration, for configuration retrieval, and for setting NI-DAQ properties. This class also
contains several useful utility functions.
Digital Input/Output is a class of functions that perform digital input and output operations.