Chapter 4 The Fundamentals of Building Applications with NI-DAQ
© National Instruments Corporation 4-7 PC-OPDIO-16 User Manual
Memory Requirement
If the Turbo Pascal interactive environment runs out of memory while compiling NI-DAQ
applications, try some or all of the following:
• Set the Turbo Pascal compile destination to disk.
• Set the Turbo Pascal link buffer to disk.
• Remove as many TSRs or device drivers as possible before compiling.
• It is sometimes possible to compile with less memory if, instead of specifying the main
NI-DAQ Turbo Pascal Unit (TPU), you specify only the needed sub-TPUs. To do this,
replace the USES NIDAQ; statement in your application with USES
; where
is one
or more of the sub-TPUs containing the function or functions you want. The
TPULIST.TXT file in the NI-DAQ PAS_EX directory contains a table that lists the TPUs
and the functions they contain.
Using these units instead of using nidaq.tpu prevents Turbo Pascal from having to bring all
the units into memory. Notice that the final executable file is only slightly smaller than a
program using nidaq.tpu because Turbo Pascal does not include any unused code in the final
executable file.
If you are not running out of memory during compilation (such as when using the TPCX to
compile), this method of bypassing nidaq.tpu may not offer you any significant advantage.
Example Programs
You can find a set of example programs and the necessary header files in the
NIDAQDOS\PAS_EX directory.
Building Windows Applications with NI-DAQ
This section contains general information about building NI-DAQ applications, describes the
nature of the NI-DAQ files used in building NI-DAQ applications, and explains the basics of
making applications using the following tools:
• Borland C++ for Windows
• Microsoft Visual C++
• Borland Turbo Pascal for Windows
• Microsoft Visual Basic
If you are not using the tools listed, consult your development tool reference manual for details
on creating applications that call DLLs.