Status Codes Appendix D
PC-OPDIO-16 User Manual D-8 © National Instruments Corporation
Table D-1. Status Code Summary (Continued)
Status Code Status Name Description
-420 multiRatePreTrigErr You cannot use multirate scanning and pretriggering together.
-421 functionNotLinkedErr You must call one of the USE_E_Series functions at the
beginning of your application to use any other NI-DAQ function
with an MIO-E Series board.
-422 scanIntervalTooLongErr Scan interval is too long for DAQ-STC.
-423 sampleIntervalTooLongErr Sample interval is too long for DAQ-STC.
-424 updateIntervalTooLongErr Update interval is too long for DAQ-STC.
-431 gpctrBadApplicationErr Invalid application parameter value.
-432 gpctrBadCtrNumberErr Invalid counterNumber.
-433 gpctrBadParamValueErr Invalid paramValue used.
-434 gpctrBadParamIDErr Invalid paramID used.
-435 gpctrBadEntityIDErr Invalid entityID used.
-436 gpctrBadActionErr Invalid action used.
-441 gpctrNotResetErr You cannot use a GPCTR function on a counter that has not
been reset. Bad order of GPCTR functions.
-442 gpctrNotProgrammedErr You cannot arm a general-purpose counter before programming
it. Bad order of GPCTR functions.
-443 gpctrApplicationNotSetErr You cannot perform a GPCTR function before selecting the
application. Bad order of GPCTR functions.
-444 gpctrBufferNotConfiguredErr You cannot initiate buffered GPCTR operation before
configuring the buffer. Bad order of GPCTR functions.
-445 gpctrCantChangeParameterErr You cannot use GPCTR_Change_Parameter function when
it is not possible to do so. Bad order of GPCTR functions.
-446 lptProtocolNotSupported Parallel port uses a protocol that is not supported by NI-DAQ.
Only the EPP and Nibble protocols are supported by NI-DAQ.
-447 rateNotSupportedErr NI-DAQ was unable to convert your timebase/interval pair to
match the actual hardware capabilities.
-448 timebaseConflictErr You can't use this combination of scan and sample timebases on
your board.
-449 polarityConflictErr You cannot use this combination of scan and sample ctr source
polarities for this operation.
-450 signalConflictErr You cannot use this combination of scanstart and convert signal
sources for this operation.
-451 baseAddressErr Bad base address specified in config utility.
-452 interruptLevel1Err Bad interrupt level 1 specified in config utility.
-453 interruptLevel2Err Bad interrupt level 2 specified in config utility.
-454 dmaChannel1Err Bad dma channel 1 specified in config utility.
-455 dmaChannel2Err Bad dma channel 2 specified in config utility.
-456 openSCManagerErr Unable to open Service Control manager.
-457 openNIDAQServiceErr Unable to open NIDAQ driver service.
-458 startNIDAQServiceErr Unable to start NIDAQ driver service.