Appendix D Status Codes
© National Instruments Corporation D-5 PC-OPDIO-16 User Manual
Table D-1. Status Code Summary (Continued)
Status Code Status Name Description
-130 RTSIlineInUseErr The user is using an RTSI line needed by the system.
-131 dacUpdateRTSIinUseErr Attempt to clear an RTSI connection in use by the system.
-132 noRTSIlineAvailErr No RTSI line available.
-134 preTrigScansErr Invalid number of preTrigScans.
-135 postTrigScansErr Invalid number of postTrigScans.
-137 scanRateErr Scan rate is too fast for number of channels being scanned.
-139 invalidGetErr MDAQ_Get called with parameters that are invalid in the
context of the acquisition.
-141 calInputOutOfRange External reference out of range.
-142 EEPROMaddrErr Unable to address the EEPROM.
-143 EEPROMresponseErr EEPROM failed to respond.
-144 EEPROMreadErr Unable to read data from EEPROM.
-145 EEPROMwriteErr Unable to write data to EEPROM.
-146 calResponseErr Unable to collect calibration data from the board.
-147 calConvergeErr Calibration unable to converge.
-148 calDACerr Bad DAC value generated during calibration.
-149 externalCalRefErr External reference does not match the software input value.
-150 internalCalRefErr Bad internal calibration reference.
-151 badOutLineErr A digital out line call on a line configured for input.
-152 relatedPortAssignToGrpBusy A related port on board is busy handshaking with an external
-153 dacUpdateErr DACUPTRIG pulse occurred before a new value was written to
the DACs.
-154 muxMemFullErr Not enough mux-gain memory.
-155 interlvdDataAlignErr A page boundary in an interleaved DMA waveform buffer or
32-bit digital pattern generation buffer causes unpredictable
results. To remedy the error, use Align_DMA_Buffer to
align the data.
-156 cannotAlignBufErr bufferSize is not big enough for the alignment of the data to
avoid a page break.
-157 cannotLockBufErr Unable to lock buffer inside the interactive environment.
-158 cannotPageLockErr Unable to obtain a Windows page lock.
-159 invalidChassisIDErr The SCXI chassis ID that was specified does not correspond to a
configured SCXI chassis.
-160 invalidModuleSlotErr The SCXI module slot that was specified is invalid or
corresponds to an empty slot.
-161 configFileErr Missing or invalid information in NI-DAQ configuration file.
-163 outdatedVDMADErr An old version of the VDMAD.386 file is installed.
-164 ctrRTSINotAvailErr RTSI pin assigned to the counter is already being driven by a
RTSI bus line.