
Status Codes Appendix D
PC-OPDIO-16 User Manual D-6 © National Instruments Corporation
Table D-1. Status Code Summary (Continued)
Status Code Status Name Description
-165 dacUpdateRTSINotAvailErr dacUpdate RTSI line is currently being driven by a RTSI bus
-166 SCXIConfigErr The SCXI configuration parameters specified indicate an invalid
configuration, or the current function cannot be executed
because of the current SCXI configuration.
-167 noDbDigErr No double-buffered DIG in progress.
-168 DbDigPartialComplete Final partial transfer has been completed.
-169 SCXITrackHoldErr An attempt was made to drive the Track/Hold trigger line on the
SCXIbus with more than one module, or an
SCXI_Track_Hold_Control call was made when the
module is not configured for a single channel operation.
-170 wvfmGrpAssignErr An output channel cannot be assigned to the waveform
generation group; the channel may have already been assigned
to another group or it is illegal for the channel to be assigned to
the group.
-180 chanNotAssignedGrpErr The output channel has not been assigned to a waveform
generation group.
-181 grpLoadErr (AT-AO-6/10 only) Channels loaded for Group 1 must be a
single channel or be consecutive Channels 0-n.
-182 loadAfterStartErr A waveform load after waveform generation has started must be
for a channel loaded prior to initiating the waveform generation.
For DMA, a waveform load after waveform generation has
started must be done for all the channels currently using the
DMA channel.
-183 noUpdateRateErr An update rate must be specified before a waveform generation
can start.
-184 chanPauseErr A waveform channel cannot be paused if it is using interleaved
DMA waveform generation.
-185 DSPInitFailure Load kernel process failed.
-186 DSPDataPathInUse When acquiring data and generating waveforms at the
simultaneously, only one of these actions may use a PC memory
buffer. The other action must use a DSP memory buffer via a
DSP handle.
-187 DSPDAQErr An error has occurred in the DSP kernel during DAQ
-191 SCXICommErr SCXI communication error; either the chassis communication is
disabled, or NI-DAQ could not successfully communicate with
the chassis.
-192 invalidOpModeErr Either the SCXI operating mode specified in a configuration call
is invalid, or a module is in the wrong operating mode to
execute the given function call.
-193 moduleNotSupported One of the SCXI modules specified for a function is not
currently supported for the operation; the rest of the function
was executed for those modules that are supported.
-194 DAQboardNotSupported The data acquisition board specified for an SCXI operation is
the wrong board type for the operation.