Using Socket Services with Socket Service Request Switches Section 6-2
A Socket Service Parameter Area cannot be used for other sockets once
open processing has been successfully completed for it. Check the socket
status before attempting to open a socket. TCP socket status is provided in
words m+9 to m+16 in the DM Area for sockets 1 to 8.
TCP Connection Status
The TCP connection status is provided for ports for which TCP sockets have
been opened. When a port is closed, the previous status will remain in the DM
Area until a socket is opened again. Writing data to the DM Area, however, is
not synced with writing to the Socket Status Areas, and timing may vary
Status in indicated in bits 0 to 3 using the 1-digit hexadecimal codes shown in
the following table.
6-2-6 Socket Services and Socket Status
When using socket services, it is important to consider the timing of the status
changes in the Socket Status Area. The diagram below shows a flowchart for
opening UDP.
TCP connection status
– – – – – – – – – – –
m+9 to m+16
Code Status Meaning
0 CLOSED Connection closed.
1 LISTEN Waiting for connection.
2 SYN SENT Active and waiting for SYN.
3 SYN RECEIVED SYN sent and received.
4 ESTABLISHED Connection established.
5 CLOSE WAIT FIN received and waiting for close.
6 FIN WAIT1 Finished and FIN sent.
7 CLOSING Finished and FIN exchanged. Waiting for acknowledge-
ment of FIN arrival.
8 LAST ACK FIN received and finished. Waiting for acknowledgement
of FIN arrival.
9 FIN WAIT2 FIN arrival acknowledged. Waiting for FIN.
A TIME WAIT Finished and waiting for silence for twice the maximum
segment life (2MSL).