Troubleshooting Procedures Section 10-5
True ➨ Make sure that Unit is firmly mounted and tighten the mounting
screws firmly or lock the sliders into place.
6. Do the RUN and ERH indicators not light if another CPU Unit is mounted
to the Rack?
True ➨ Replace the Ethernet Unit.
7. Replace the CPU Unit that didn’t work.
8. ERC indicator not lit?
True ➨ Step 14.
9. Is the same node number used by another Unit?
True ➨ Set the node numbers so that each one is used only once.
10. Create the I/O tables in the CPU Unit.
11. Replace the following components one at a time in the order given and dis-
card any faulty ones: transceiver cable, transceiver, Ethernet Unit.
12. Is the node number set between 01 and 7E Hex?
True ➨ Replace the following items in order to eliminate the faulty part:
Ethernet Unit, transceiver, transceiver cable.
13. Set the unit number to between 01 and 7E Hex.
14. ERH indicator not lit?
True ➨ Step 18.
15. Is the same unit number used by another CPU Bus Unit?
True ➨ Set the unit numbers correctly.
16. Has a CPU Unit error occurred in the PC’s CPU Unit?
True ➨ Restart the CPU Unit. If the error persists, replace the CPU Unit.
17. Set the Setup and routing tables correctly.
18. ERH indicator not flashing?
True ➨ Go to 10-5-6 Network Connection Problems on page 203.
19. Is the IP address incorrect?
True ➨ Correct the IP address in the System Setup, and read out the con-
troller status using the READ CONTROLLER STATUS command
in FINS communications and correct any problems indicated.
20. Make sure that the node number and the last byte of the IP address are the
same and set other host IDs to 0, or change the address conversion meth-
od to use and IP address table or “both methods.”
10-5-2 FINS Communications Problems (SEND(090)/RECV(098)/
Most of the initial steps in these procedures are in question form. Continue in
sequence until a “True” answer tells you to jump to a specified step or until you
are told to perform a specific action that corrects the problem. If performing
the action does not correct the problem, return to the beginning of the proce-
dure and start over.
1,2,3... 1. Refer to 10-6 Troubleshooting with Response Codes on page 207 and re-
move any causes of the problem discovered there before proceeding with
this procedure.
2. Is the control data for the instruction set incorrectly?
True ➨ Make sure that the FINS network address is not set to 0 for the
Ethernet Unit and check the network address, node number and
unit address.