
Communications Functions Section 2-1
2-1-1 Ethernet Unit Functions
2-1-2 Socket Ports Used By the Ethernet Unit
Function Contents
FINS communications A SEND(090), RECV(098), or CMND(490) instruction from the PC’s lad-
der program is used to send a FINS command to a remote node, and a
response is received.
A FINS command is received from a remote node. If the command is
addressed to the local Unit, it is processed internally. If it is addressed to
another Unit, a request is made to the CPU Unit and the result is sent
back to the remote node as a response.
Following the FINS header information, the Ethernet Unit serves as a
gateway for FINS commands and responses between other Communi-
cations Units mounted to the same PC.
Socket services The Ethernet Unit supports up to 16 ports (8 TCP ports and 8 UDP ports)
for socket interface with respect to the ladder program. When this function
is used, communications can be carried out by either TCP or UDP with var-
ious devices on the Ethernet network.
This function can be used by either manipulating dedicated control
switches in memory or by executing CMND(490).
1) Manipulating dedicated control switches in memory:
Socket services can be used by first setting the required parameters in
the Socket Service Parameter Area allocated in the DM Area (refer
to4-4 DM Area Allocations) and then turning ON dedicated control
switches in memory.
There is no need to monitor the completion timing for instructions or
socket services, so the work hours involved in developing ladder pro-
grams can be reduced.
Only eight socket ports (UDP and TCP combined) can be used with
this method. For any ports that exceed that number, use the
CMND(490) instruction.
2) Using CMND(490)
Socket services can be used by utilizing the CMND(490) instruction to
execute FINS commands. Up to 16 socket ports can be used with
FTP server The FTP server function allows data files to be transferred between a client
workstation or personal computer and the PC’s file system (Memory Card
or EM Area).
Mail The types of data listed below can be sent as e-mail when a dedicated con-
trol switch in memory is turned ON, when an error occurs, or when a preset
time interval elapses. Any of the following types of data can be specified for
transmission with any of these timing methods. (Refer to Section 8 Mail.)
User-created data (Data at PC: ASCII, 1,024 bytes max.)
Error log information (64 records)
Status information
A mail server must be provided separately in order to use the mail function.
Port number Application
UDP 9600 Used for FINS. (Can be changed by CPU Bus Unit System Setup.)
TCP 20 Used for FTP server function (for data transfer).
21 Used for FTP server function (for connection).