Switch Settings Section 3-4
DM Area Allocations
Setting the Node Number
With the FINS communications service, when there are multiple Ethernet
Units connected to the Ethernet network, the Ethernet Units are identified by
node numbers. Use the node number switches to set the node number
between 01 and 7E hexadecimal (1 to 126 decimal). Do not set a number that
has already been set for another node on the same network.
The left switch sets the sixteens digit (most significant digit) and the right
switch sets the ones digit (least significant digit). The node number is factory-
set to 01.
When using the automatic generation method for address conversion, set the
node number to the same value as that of the local IP address switches. If this
is not possible, then either the IP address table method or the combined
method must be used for address conversion. For details, refer to 4-2 CPU
Bus Unit System Setup.
If the FINS communications service is not being used over the Ethernet net-
work, then there is no problem if the node number duplicates that of another
Ethernet Unit. The node number must still be set from 01 to 7E, however, or
the ERC indicator will light.
Note Turn OFF the power supply before setting the node number.
Setting the Local IP Address
The nodes on an Ethernet network are identified by IP addresses. Each IP
address is set with 32 bits of binary data. These 32 bits are divided into four 8-
bit fields called octets, and each octet is expressed as four decimal numbers.
At CS-series Ethernet Units, four bits are expressed as a hexadecimal digit,
and the eight hexadecimal rotary switches (the local IP address switches) on
the back of the Unit are used to set the local IP address. Set the eight
switches in hexadecimal as shown below, combining SW1 and SW2, SW3
and SW4, SW5 and SW6, and SW7 and SW8. Each switch can be set from 0
to F.
Unit No.
Allocated words Unit No.
Allocated words
0 (0) D30000 to D30099 8 (8) D30800 to D30899
1 (1) D30100 to D30199 9 (9) D30900 to D30999
2 (2) D30200 to D30299 A (10) D31000 to D31099
3 (3) D30300 to D30399 B (11) D31100 to D31199
4 (4) D30400 to D30499 C (12) D31200 to D31299
5 (5) D30500 to D30599 D (13) D31300 to D31399
6 (6) D30600 to D30699 E (14) D31400 to D31499
7 (7) D30700 to D30799 F (15) D31500 to D31599
Setting range:
01 to 7E (1 to 126 decimal)