
Troubleshooting Procedures Section 10-5
10-5-7 Mail Problems
Most of the initial steps in these procedures are in question form. Continue in
sequence until a “True” answer tells you to jump to a specified step or until you
are told to perform a specific action that corrects the problem. If performing
the action does not correct the problem, return to the beginning of the proce-
dure and start over.
1,2,3... 1. Is the ERH indicator lit?
True Correct mistakes in the Setup
Correct the SMTP server address (it is set to or
Correct the local mail address.
Correct the notification destination mail address.
2. Is notification given for user mail?
True Step 9.
3. Is the user mail send status “7”?
True Correct mistakes in the Setup
Correct the SMTP server address (it is set to
Correct the user mail send information settings (the user data, er-
ror log information, or status data is not set in the send informa-
4. Is the user mail send status “0”?
True Turn ON the Send Mail Switch from the user program. (The Send
Mail Switch has not been turned ON since power was turned ON
or since the Unit was restarted.)
5. Is the user mail send status “6”?
True Check the communications path.
Correct the SMTP server address.
Correct the IP router table.
Something is blocking communications or equipment on the com-
munications path is not set correctly.
6. Is the destination mail address incorrectly set?
True Correct the destination mail address in the Setup. (Error mail will
be held at the SMTP server if the destination mail address is incor-
rect. Be sure the send destination mail address is set correctly.)
7. Is required information missing from the mail data?
True Correct the mail send information settings in the Setup (the user
data, error log information, or status data is not set in the send in-
8. Was it impossible to obtain the required information from the mail data?
True Correct the following errors.
Correct the user-generated mail address.
Check the user application to be sure that there is not too much
traffic at the Ethernet Unit.
9. Is notification given for recurring mail?
True Step 16.
10. Is the send status for recurring mail “7”?
True Correct mistakes in the Setup
Correct the SMTP server address (it is set to
Correct the recurring mail send information settings (the user data,