Devices Required in a Network Section 1-3
Configuration With
Segment Extension
Use repeaters to extend the distance between nodes or to increase the num-
ber of connected nodes.
1-3 Devices Required in a Network
1-3-1 10Base-5 Ethernet Unit
The basic configuration of a 10Base-5 Ethernet System consists of a single
coaxial cable together with the transceivers, transceiver cables, nodes, and so
on, that are connected to it. In an Ethernet System, this basic configuration is
called a “segment.”
The devices shown in the following table must be obtained to configure a net-
work using a 10Base-5 Ethernet Unit, so prepare them in advance. Use only
devices in the network that conform to IEEE802.3 standards.
Node Node
Node Node
CS1W-ETN01 Ethernet Unit
power supply
50 m max.
Transceiver cable (AUI cable)
Coaxial cable (10Base-5, outer diameter approx. 10 mm)
Terminator (terminating resistance)
Segment (500 m max.)
Number of branch points: 100
(terminating resistance)
2.5 m min.
(multiple of 2.5 m)
Network device Contents
CS-series 10Base-5
Ethernet Unit
The 10Base-5 Ethernet Unit is a Communications Unit
that connects a CS-series PC to an Ethernet network.
24-VDC power supply This is a external 24-VDC power supply for the
purpose of providing power to the transceivers via
transceiver cable. Use a power supply with an output
current of at least 0.3 A per node. The power is
converted within the Unit to the transceiver power
supply voltage, and is provided to the transceiver.
Transceiver The transceiver is a device for interfacing between the
coaxial cable and the nodes.
Note: The Ethernet Unit can provide a maximum
current of 0.4 A to the transceiver, so use a
transceiver with a current consumption of not more
than 0.4 A. Check with the manufacturer for
information regarding transceiver current
Transceiver cable (AUI
This is the cable for connecting between transceivers
and nodes.