Conguration and DeploymentTips
Follow these conguration tips to improve performance. These tips are intended for production
environments, not development environments.
To improve class loading time, avoid having excessive directories in the server CLASSPATH.
Put application-related classes into JAR les.
HTTP response times are dependent on how the keep-alive subsystem and the HTTP server
is tuned in general. For more information, see
“HTTP Service Settings” on page 60.
Cache servlet results when possible. For more information, see Chapter 8, “Developing Web
and SIP Applications,” in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Developer’s Guide
If an application does not contain any EJB components, deploy the application as a WAR
le, not an EAR le.
Optimize SSL
Optimize SSL by using routines in the appropriate operating system library for concurrent
access to heap space. The library to use depends on the version of the Solaris
System (SolarisOS) that you are using. To ensure that you use the correct library, set the
LD_PRELOAD environment variable to specify the correct library le. For mor information, see
the following table.
SolarisOSVersion Library SettingofLD_PRELOADEnvironmentVariable
10 libumem–3LIB /usr/lib/libumem.so
9 libmtmalloc-3LIB /usr/lib/libmtmalloc.so
To set the LD_PRELOAD environment variable, edit the entry for this environment variable in the
startserv script. The startserv script is located is located in the bin/startserv directory of
your domain.
The exact syntax to dene an environment variable depends on the shell that you are using.
Disable Security Manager
The security manager is expensive because calls to required resources must call the
doPrivileged() method and must also check the resource with the server.policy le. If you
are sure that no malicious code will be run on the server and you do not use authentication
within your application, then you can disable the security manager.
To disable use of the server.policy le, use the Admin Console. Under Congurations >
cong-name > JVM Settings (JVM Options) delete the option that contains the following text:
JavaServerPageand ServletTuning
Chapter2 • TuningYourApplication 31