Solaris 10 Platform-Specic Tuning Information
Dynamic Tracing (DTrace) is a comprehensive dynamic tracing framework for the
Solaris Operating System (OS). You can use the DTrace Toolkit to monitor the system. The
DTrace Toolkit is available through the OpenSolaris
project from the DTraceToolkit page
Tuning for the Solaris OS
“Tuning Parameters” on page 95
“File Descriptor Setting” on page 97
Tuning Parameters
Tuning Solaris TCP/IP settings benets programs that open and close many sockets. Since the
Enterprise Server operates with a small xed set of connections, the performance gain might
not be signicant.
The following table shows Solaris tuning parameters that aect performance and scalability
benchmarking. These values are examples of how to tune your system for best performance.
TABLE5–1 TuningParameters forSolaris
Parameter Scope Default TunedValue Comments
rlim_fd_max /etc/system 65536 65536 Limit ofprocess open le
descriptors. Set toaccount for
expected load (forassociated
sockets, les, andpipes if any).
rlim_fd_cur /etc/system 1024 8192
sq_max_size /etc/system 2 0 Controls streams driver queue size;
setting to 0makes it innite so the
performance runs won’tbe hit by
lack of buerspace. Set on clients
too. Note that settingsq_max_size
to 0 mightnot be optimal for
production systems withhigh
network trac.
tcp_close_wait_interval ndd /dev/tcp 240000 60000 Set on clients too.
tcp_time_wait_interval ndd /dev/tcp 240000 60000 Set on clients too.
Chapter5 • Tuningthe OperatingSystemand Platform 95