Tuning the Java Runtime System
This chapter discusses the following topics:
“Java Virtual Machine Settings” on page 83
“Managing Memory and Garbage Collection” on page 84
“Further Information” on page 91
Java Virtual Machine Settings
J2SE 5.0 provides two implementations of the HotSpot Java virtual machine (JVM):
The client VM is tuned for reducing start-up time and memory footprint. Invoke it by using
the -client JVM command-line option.
The server VM is designed for maximum program execution speed. Invoke it by using the
-server JVM command-line option.
By default, the Application Server uses the JVM setting appropriate to the purpose:
Developer Prole, targeted at application developers, uses the -client JVM ag to optimize
startup performance and conserve memory resources.
Enterprise Prole, targeted at production deployments, uses the default JVM startup mode.
By default, Application Server uses the client Hotspot VM. However, if a server VM is
needed, it can be specied by creating a <jvm-option> named “-server.”
You can override the default by changing the JVM settings in the Admin Console under
Congurations > cong-name > JVM Settings (JVM Options).
For more information on server-class machine detection in J2SE 5.0, see
Server-Class Machine
Detection .
For more information on JVMs, see
JavaTM Virtual Machines.